Why Choose Cloth Menstrual Pads?

Introduction to Cloth Menstrual Pads

At Moody V, we understand the importance of finding menstrual products that not only provide comfort and reliability but also align with our values of sustainability and inclusivity. As a queer-owned company deeply rooted in the Pacific Northwest, we’re proud to offer a product that does just that. Cloth menstrual pads for sale at Moody V are designed with the environment and your comfort in mind, offering a cozy, effective alternative to disposable products.

Why Choose Cloth Menstrual Pads?

Environmental Impact

One of the most compelling reasons to switch to cloth menstrual pads is the positive impact on the environment. Disposable menstrual products contribute significantly to landfill waste, and their manufacturing process is resource-intensive. Choosing cloth menstrual pads for sale reduces this burden, offering a product that can be reused for years, thus minimizing waste and promoting a healthier planet.

Comfort and Health Benefits

Unlike many disposable options, cloth menstrual pads are free from chemicals and synthetic materials that can lead to irritation or other health concerns. Our pads at Moody V are crafted from 100% cotton flannel and terry cloth, allowing for breathability and a soft touch against the skin. For those with moderate to heavy flows, we also offer pads with a waterproof lining to ensure peace of mind. Many users report less irritation, reduced cramping, and overall more comfortable periods when making the switch to cloth.

Our Range of Cloth Pads

Understanding that everyone’s flow is unique, Moody V provides a wide array of options to cater to various needs and preferences. From light liner pads perfect for the tail end of your cycle or as backup protection, to heavy absorbency pads designed for more intense days, each product is thoughtfully designed. Our overnight pads feature an extended waterproof lining for additional security while you rest, ensuring a worry-free sleep.

Accessories and Care for Your Cloth Pads

Pad Bags and Snap Extenders

To complement your cloth pads, we also offer handy accessories, like Pad Bags for discreet and convenient storage on the go, and Snap Extenders to adjust the fit as needed. These small details can make a big difference in your overall experience, offering ease and flexibility during your cycle.

Washing and Maintenance

Caring for your cloth pads is simpler than you might think. They can be washed in a machine with your regular laundry, making them a practical choice for those looking to reduce waste without adding extra chores. We recommend rinsing them in cold water before washing to help prevent staining and extending the lifespan of your pads.

Making the Switch to Cloth Pads

Transitioning to cloth menstrual pads can seem daunting at first. However, many find that after the initial adjustment period, they prefer the comfort and sustainability of cloth pads over disposables. To ease the transition, consider starting with our liners or a single pad to accompany your existing routine, gradually increasing your stash as you become more accustomed to the new system.

Hearing from Our Community

We’ve been fortunate to receive a plethora of positive feedback from our customers, with many highlighting the comfort, durability, and environmental benefits of our pads. Such testimonials not only affirm our commitment to quality and sustainability but also help us continue to innovate and improve our offerings.

Embracing Sustainable Period Care with Moody V

At Moody V, we’re not just selling cloth menstrual pads; we’re advocating for a movement towards more sustainable, healthy period care. By choosing our cloth menstrual pads for sale, you’re not only investing in your comfort and health but also contributing to a larger mission of reducing waste and promoting inclusivity in the menstrual care industry. Join us in making a positive impact, one cycle at a time.

Making the Switch to Cloth Pads

What is the disadvantage of cloth menstrual pads?

While cloth menstrual pads offer numerous benefits, such as environmental sustainability and comfort, a commonly cited disadvantage is the need for regular washing and maintenance. It can be a bit of a shift in routine for those accustomed to the convenience of disposable products. Having to rinse, wash, and dry the pads, especially during heavy flow days, might seem like extra work. However, many find this adjustment manageable and well worth the effort for the comfort and reduced waste. Plus, with a bit of planning and a few tips and tricks, caring for your cloth pads can easily fit into your regular laundry routine.

What fabric is best for menstrual pads?

The ideal fabric for menstrual pads combines comfort, absorbency, and durability. At Moody V, we’ve found that 100% cotton flannel and cotton terry cloth hit all these marks perfectly. Cotton is gentle on the skin, highly absorbent, and breathable, which reduces the risk of irritation and discomfort. For those with moderate to heavy flows, our pads with a polyurethane laminate (PUL) waterproof lining provide extra protection without sacrificing breathability. It’s about finding that sweet spot between functionality and comfort, something we’ve honed over time through customer feedback and rigorous testing.

Are cloth pads better than regular pads?

This is a subjective question, as “better” can mean different things to different people. If we’re talking about environmental impact, comfort, and health benefits, then yes, many find cloth pads to be a superior choice. Cloth pads reduce the amount of waste heading to landfills and are free from the chemicals and synthetic materials found in many disposable products, which can be a big plus for those with sensitive skin or allergies. They also tend to be more breathable, which can lead to a more comfortable experience. On the other hand, disposable pads might win out on convenience for some users. It really comes down to personal preference and values.

Do cloth pads stay in place?

Yes, cloth pads can stay in place just as well as their disposable counterparts. Our cloth pads at Moody V are designed with wings that snap around the underwear, securing the pad in position. This design minimizes shifting and bunching, ensuring the pads provide reliable protection. Some users might need a little time to adjust to the best placement for their body shape, but once they find it, issues with the pad moving are minimal. Plus, we offer snap extenders for those who prefer a more customized fit. It’s all about giving you the confidence to go about your day without worrying about leaks or slips.

How can someone ease the transition to using cloth pads?

Making the switch to cloth pads doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing decision. Starting slowly can help ease the transition. Consider beginning with liners or a single pad to use alongside your usual routine. This allows you to get accustomed to using and caring for cloth pads without a complete overhaul of your period care. Many of our customers report that once they start using cloth pads and experience the benefits firsthand, they gradually increase their stash until they’ve fully transitioned. It’s also helpful to connect with a community, whether online or in person, where you can share tips and get support from others who’ve made the switch.

How do cloth menstrual pads support a healthier planet?

Cloth menstrual pads offer a tangible way to reduce your environmental footprint. Unlike disposable pads that contribute to landfill waste, cloth pads are reusable and can last for years with proper care. This greatly reduces the demand for single-use products and the resources needed for their production and disposal. By choosing cloth pads, you’re not only selecting a healthier option for your body but also for the planet. It’s a small change that, when adopted by many, can lead to significant environmental benefits. Plus, supporting businesses that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices, like Moody V, helps promote a larger movement towards eco-conscious living.


Moody Reviews

These pads feel *heavenly* to wear. Soft, barely noticeable but not too lightweight, and they stay in place all day!!! I love them, I can’t wait to get my next paycheck so I can order more. :) these were my first experience with the switch to reusables and I’m very impressed. If anyone else is on the edge of starting this route, GO FOR IT. Especially if you’ve ever suffered from itchiness from those plastic pad materials..this is so much better.


It's my first time buying reusable pads and I'm really happy with this pair. The print and design sold me, but the comfort and reliability have exceeded my expectations. They work for daytime and overnight use with no problems compared to disposable pads. Wish I bought these sooner. They're a total game changer for periods.


Beautiful pattern, expertly stitched, and lovely seller. Beyond happy. Very fast shipping too! Thank you so much!!! ❤️


High-quality, low maintenance reusable pads! Really nice, and they do stain but that can’t really be helped aside from doing a quick handwash before tossing it in the machine. Will definitely be purchasing more in the future!


These are the best!! They are not bulky and the fabric is so comfortable. I have tried shapes and patterns from several of the best selling shops and these are my favorite.


I like that they have metal snaps! The ones I have with plastic snaps do not last as long. I think these will hold up for a few years. Thank you!

Confusion Checkpoint

I know right!? Ok, so cloth menstrual pads are a washable, reusable alternative to disposable pads. Pretty sweet, right?

  • The regular absorbency pads are good for light to moderate flows. They are 100% cotton, with a layer of terry cloth (towel material) inside for absorbency. Cotton is a moisture wicking and breathable fabric, which allows menstrual fluid to dry rapidly, keeping you comfy and dry. This also means that these cloth pads can absorb a surprising amount of fluid!
  • The heavy absorbency pads are perfect for moderate to heavy flows. Heavy pads are longer than regular pads. These pads are primarily cotton, with cotton flannel and terry cloth for absorbency and breathability. Additionally, they have a layer of polyurethane laminate (PUL) inside. This is a waterproof, laminated fabric that protects you from leakage. In the heavy pads, the PUL lining is in the pad core (the part that’s shaped like a peanut)!
  • The overnight cloth pads are great for heavy flows, and for overnight use. Overnight pads are longer than heavy pads, and flare out at each end. These pads are made of cotton flannel, cotton terry cloth, and PUL lining. In the overnights, the PUL lining extends throughout the entire base of the pad, so even the wings are leakproof!

Cloth liners are lovely for really light days, and as a backup for a tampon or menstrual cup. They are made of five layers of cotton. They are soft, barely noticeable, and peace of mind for that bit of protection.

Moody V regular absorbency pads and cloth liners are made with 100% cotton, which makes your down-there oh-so happy. Cotton is a breathable, moisture wicking fabric that creates a difficult environment for yucky bacteria like yeast to grow. 

Disposable pads are mostly synthetic, which is fully not nice to your body. They’re made out of bleached wood pulp (what the?) and non-biodegradable materials.

Moody V’s heavy cloth pads and overnight cloth pads are also primarily cotton. They have a polyurethane lining inside, which keeps moisture from leaking through. This lining is non-biodegradable (I know, it sucks). But remember, you’re not just gonna throw it away, you’ll probably use it like, 100 times.

The regular absorbency pads are made with cotton flannel and cotton terry cloth (like a towel material). Liners are just cotton flannel. Ugh! So simple! Love that!

The heavy cloth menstrual pads and overnight cloth pads are made with cotton flannel, cotton terry cloth, and polyurethane laminate. Ugh! Slightly less simple but still wow amazing and great! Love that!

Look at the “Wh-. . . What? Who? Where? What?” question at the top of this FAQ page to learn out each variety of pads work!

Method 1: Rinse with cold water ASAP to reduce staining. Machine wash cold, then air dry thoroughly to maintain a nice shape.

Method 2: Machine wash cold, tumble dry.*

*Method 2 gets your pad clean and ready to use again real quick, but may result in light staining and scrunching-up in the dryer. (Stains fade over time and you can stretch the pad gently with your hands to un-scrunch it.)

Some folks like to keep a container of cool water in their bathroom so they can soak their pads until they’re ready to wash them. This helps remove stains without using chemicals or potentially fabric-damaging products.

It’s recommended to avoid using fabric softener, as it makes fabric less absorbent.

Another good rule of thumb is not to use anything on your pads you wouldn’t wash your underwear with. Your pads are gonna be up close and personal with a sensitive area, so avoid harsh or irritating chemicals when washing them.

Cloth pads contain several layers of fabric, which means it might need extra time drying. Make sure they’re super dry out of the dryer or dry them in the sun to prevent mildew. Do be aware that sun-drying can result in fabric discoloration.

See more Frequently Asked Questions!